Friday, December 24, 2010

Security in a Relationship

How many have incessantly been in contemplation about Security. The irony in that is we will not understand security until we have went within and discovered it for our selves internally. It does not matter who or what is in your surrounding; with self security you will assimilate and prosper in all circumstances. The solid foundation of evolving youself as a balnced entity will enable you to be unyeilding to harmfull and manipulative influences. Self love will initiate consistancy in your behaviors, aspirations and overall growth and development which enriches you mentally, physically and spiritually.

Please understand that if you inquest security, you are actually abandoning it; thus you attract abandonment and recieve little security in life and may feel forsaken. The security lays within you.

With only yourself, human abilities and only human aparatus; you go out and look for diamonds and gold. What is the chance of finding it? That is the same chance you have if you look for love. Clearly you do not have security if your out looking for diamonds and gold.

One other factor is the sense of understanding and disciplining your emotions. Healing from your past. Often many who do not hold a security allow their emotions to run their behaviors.

Self security will determine your level of self worth. Your self  worth will affect your intentions, respect, considerations, honesty, behaviors, selflessness and actions you hold upon others. At times involving intention; I know many have experienced instant gratifications or spouse behaviors that then change in circumstances where their are no controls, such as financial needs, a dwelling, children and so on. This occurs when an individual has not attained a self security and improvisions on behaviors are constructed to hold on to their spouse. (security)

If we do not understand ourselves how do we know what we want for ourselves and especially a relationship?

I know many will inadvertantly compromise for the need of security.

Now here is a fun example: This delineates importance of knowing self physically, mentally and spiritually.

I thought I was a Bone in Ribeye. I never have endured a taste of myself without needs to make another happy; so  before I became a solid entity my business was influenced by others. I run a bar and grill.

Now Corn on the cobb became a good side dish for the bone in ribeye, along with salt potatoes and a pale ale for a beverage. (hey; even in culinary there is relationships)

The bone in ribeye was seared and brushed with a smoked hickory marinade.

We do learn about ourselves as well concerning socializing but we do obstruct self enlightenemnt and clear direction without solid self introspection time attaining a security for ourselves.

Long story short. (the sides are attachemnts that come with relationships and even the path you are on concerning career, dwelling area, college etc..) A child I would not consider an attachemnt becuase it is always a beautifull grace and part of who you are.

Bone in Ribeye is starting to evolve and is realizing that they really are a Prime rib. Garlic Smashed Potatoes and sauted green beans would be divine with a prime rib. An earthy Merlot would be nice. Prime Rib also realizes soon that she like herself braised and not seared.

Now Prime Rib has to break down and rebuild; now on a detained pace due to the time and the attachemnts she aqcuired when she thought that Bone in Ribeye, along with all that came with it was ideal. Focusing becomes an issue becuase she had duties; the Bar and Grill situation it blocked her ability to dig within and spend time understanding herself as a solid entity with personal introspection. At times when we adhere many obligations we become inhibited from our ability to see our true divine path.

Impaired  security institutes controls. Controls cause us to focus much energy holding on to what we believe or want to be a security; thus we lose focus of our true core being and what will balance in harmony with permanance.

You get the point.

I do want to discuss the affects of insecurity then pursuing a realtionship. There are signs that will determine if one exalts self security. Controls are one factor that evolve from jealousy, that evolves from insecurity.

Some Other factors; blackmail, possessiveness, erradic emotions and behaviors, accusations, communication barrriers, put downs physically, spiritually or emotionally, command and obey, restrictions.

Especially in an environment where you feel insulted, unaccepted, restricted or enforced in any way; do you feel more inclined to opt out or to bend a rule to recieve that freedom or space especially since it has been infractured it may seem as a relief or get-away. It becomes more of an urge maybe?

Do you think that controls can actually manifest abandonment or cheating?

Again the self worth and security is a key factor in determinig permanance. You must practice permanant self love and security first. Your sense of worth will affect your long term sense of worthyness to your spouse.

Sense of worthyness can also cause one to leave; after one has held negative intentions that will resonate guilt and guilt will affect their sense of worthyness. That will then cause urgency and one may desire to leave becuase they feel unworthy based of their intentions and self worth going into the relationship. They may also lack self understanding, self personal power and independence. They may feel confused and ready to get clarity and security on their own for once.

How much you worth and value yourself will impact you relationship along with the entirety of your self security.

Other elements to manifest secure relationships:

People are constantly evolving and changing to some degree, you must be comfortable with youself enought to be attuned with another and their growth and development. Be attuned with yours first on your own and that will create and honor, understanding and respect towards your spouses evolution.

Time in Union and  Divine Communication. Always refining yourself becuase you instilled that practice first on your own will strengthen your relationship security.

Sharing a cause, passsion and faith together.

I hope the concise thread has given you enlightenement.


I would like to along with God thank my inner light practitioner Beth Lynch for positively influencing my emotional healing and internal energy.

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